
Your expert for formwork and props.

Peri Trio + Trio Alu formwork

We offer a lot of 800 m²Peri Trio 330 + Trio 270 as well as Peri Trio Alu elements.

The formwork has been partially refurbished with new original Peri formlining and the rest is in decent condition and ready for immediate use.

If you are interested, please send us your inquiry.


We offer a lot of 800 m²Peri Trio 330 + Trio 270 as well as Peri Trio Alu elements.

Some elements were refurbished and covered with new formwork skin

If you are interested, please send us your inquiry. descriptionQuantity
TRIO54304Element TR/4 330 x 24030
TRIO54314Element TR/4 330 x 12015
TRIO54324Element TR/4 330 x 9012
TRIO54334Element TR/4 330 x 7216
TRIO54354Element TR/4 330 x 6019
TRIO54364Element TR/4 330 x 3010
TRIO54374Corner TE/4 3309
TRIO54414Hinged corner TGE/4 3304
TRIO54391Wall thickness compensation WDA/4 330 x 56
TRIO54401Wall thickness compensation WDA/4 330 x 615
TRIO105525Shaft element TSE 3304
TRIO54384Length compensation LA/4 330 x 366
TRIO22510Element TR 270 x 12018
TRIO22520Element TR 270 x 9018
TRIO22550Element TR 270 x 6025
TRIO22560Element TR 270 x 3018
TRIO22540Multi-purpose elements TRM 270 x 7238
TRIO22580Corner TE 270-210
TRIO23200Hinge corner TGE 2706
TRIO23040Shuttering element TR 270 x 244
TRIO23182Wall thickness compensation WDA-2 270 x 510
TRIO23192Wall thickness compensation WDA-2 270 x 610
TRIO23170Length compensation LA 270 x 3614
TRIO22600Element TR 120 x 12010
TRIO22610Element TR 120 x 9029
TRIO22640Element TR 120 x 606
TRIO22650Element TR 120 x 3012
TRIO22630Multi-purpose elements TRM 120 x 726
TRIO22660Corner TE 120-211
TRIO23300Hinged corner TGE 1202
TRIO23282Wall thickness compensation WDA-2 120 x 58
TRIO23270Length compensation LA 120 x 3612
TRIO22820Element TR 60 x 302
TRIO23950Element TRA 90 x 6015
TRIO23960Element TRA 90 x 3011
TRIO23980Multi-purpose element TAM 90 x 7221
TRIO23971Corner TAE 90-24
TRIO23670Scaffolding bracket TRG 8030
TRIO22950Concreting platform 120 x 27010
TRIO117467Push-pull prop RS 300, galvanized10
TRIO23500Alignment lock BFD, galvanized220
HandsetHandset 90/12030
HandsetHandset 60/12040
HandsetHandset 45/12020
HandsetHandset 30/12010
HandsetHandset 15/1208
HandsetHandset 5/12010

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