We offer a lot of 230 m² – used Peri Sky Deck formwork incl. Accessories on.
The formwork was refurbished by us with new formlining and has since been used once.
Item no. | Article description | Quantity |
061000 | Panel SDP 150×75 | 180 |
061011 | Panel SDP 150×50 | 10 |
061020 | Panel SDP 150×37.5 | 8 |
061010 | Panel SDP 75×75 | 16 |
061013 | Panel SDP 75×50 | 5 |
061030 | Panel SDP 75×37.5 | 2 |
061100 | SLT 225 side member | 70 |
061110 | SLT 150 side member | 26 |
061026 | Cover strip SAL 150 | 65 |
061045 | Edge beam SRT 150-2 | 22 |
061046 | Edge beam SRT 75-2 | 9 |
061210 | Case head SFK | 120 |
061200 | Support head SSK | 30 |
061180 | Combi-head SCK | 15 |
061051 | Wall bracket SWH-2 | 8 |
061023 | End bearing SSL | 36 |
061280 | Panel wedge chamber SPKK | 12 |
065074 | Turnbuckle M12/3.0 KN | 15 |
061530 | Large pallet SD 150×225, galvanized. | 4 |
028000 | Universal reamers 57-120 | 16 |
103434 | Pallet RP 80×120/2 galvanized. | 1 |
065016 | Mesh box 80×120-K lacquered. | 3 |
If you are interested, please send us your inquiry.
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Office: +49 (0) 731 801 59590
Mobil: +49 171 80 35 708
Email: info@jh-itc.de