We offer a lot of used NOE TOP 2000 formwork.
Of these, 85 % of the elements are covered with alkus formlining.
16 x element 2650 x 5300
18 x element 2650 x 2650
10 x element 2400 x 2650
2 x element 1325 x 2650
10 x element 1000 x 2650
20 x element 750 x 2650
10 x element 500 x 2650
6 x element 450 x 2650
4 x element 250 x 2650
4 x corners 250 x 250 x 2650
4 x element 110 x 110 x 2650
If you are interested, please send us your inquiry.
Was ist Ihr anliegen? How can we help you?
Office: +49 (0) 731 801 59590
Mobil: +49 171 80 35 708
Email: info@jh-itc.de