
Your expert for formwork and props.

Hünnebeck Protecto fall protection

We offer the following Hünnebeck Protecto fall protection material.

Part numberArticle descriptionDescriptionQuantity
193220TK railing postsTK railing post40
548480Euro grid boxEuro lattice box7
601225PROTECTO postPROTECTO railing post282
601226PROTECTO-MZ consolePROTECTO multiple clamp108
601227PROTECTO footrest holderPROTECTO toe board retainer93
602580PROTECTO post extension 42PROTECTO post extension 4242
601892PROTECTO screw-on holderPROTECTO screw-on holder118
601291PROTECTO-HT connectionPROTECTO timber beam connector49

If you are interested, please send us your inquiry.


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